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Traditional Chinese Energetics (TCE) is one of many ways to help us improve our health internally and externally by understanding the laws of nature. This method reinforces our connection with nature and harmonises our whole being with our environment. TCE provides us with many ways to perceive and understand the human body in its interaction with nature, including the Yin Yang theory, Five Elements theory, Qi/Blood theory and 10 trunks/12 branches prevention theory. These methods are practical, accurate, and have an impact on our elemental, physical, emotional, and mental health.
The human body has twelve major Qi channels : six in the upper body, six in the lower. All of these channels are connected to internal organs. Whenever the Qi is stagnant in any of the twelve channels, the corresponding organ will receive an incorrect amount of Qi. This will cause the organ to malfunction or to degenerate. These twelve channels are also the antennae of the body, collecting information from the environment. They absorb Sky energy (heat, cold, dampness, dryness, wind, fire) and Earth energy or elemental energy (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water). Likewise, if one of the channels is blocked, the body will fail to receive the right amount of external energy from nature. This is what leads to disease.
Once this energy is absorbed by the channels, it will flow until it reaches the five main internal organs (zang): heart, kidneys, spleen, liver, and lungs. Each of these organs transmutes energy and has a specific role in body harmony. These organs also produce our emotions, which bind them to our mental state.
Prevention is the most important theory in TCE; it is the real aim of this practice. Due to the the constant transformation of yin and yang, and the five movements in the four seasons of the year, everyone should prepare their bodies to welcome each season and maximise their potential to adapt to the upcoming weather. This is one of the best ways to avoid illness.
Traditionally Chinese therapy is composed of 4 major categories :
- Acupuncture:
or the needling techniques, often combined with Moxibustion which is a heating technique where we use "Mugworth" (Arthemisia Vulgaris/Artemisia Argyii).
- Chinese Herbalism:
the use of an immense variety of different Chinese formulas for internal and external use.
- Tui Na:
is the traditional Chinese massage based on acupressure techniques.
- Zheng Gu
is the traditional Chinese bone setting techniques.
- Qigong or "Work on energy":
- Physical exercises prescribed to the patients and used by the practitioners themselves to cultivate their energy and stay healthy.
- Qigong massages which is a softer type of manual technique to manipulate the flow of energy in the channels of the human body
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture/ Moxibustion
Tui Na/
Zheng Gu
Qi Gong
We are so honoured to start in September a 2 years TCE course which will offer to transmit this knowledge for a limited group of people.
The course will include the theoretical foundations of TCE, and the practical Manual methods of the S.F.E.R.E College lineage, supervised in Egypt by Mr. Regis Blin (Co-director of S.F.E.R.E).
In Meshkah the transmission in the TCE program will focus mainly on the Manual techniques of Qigong and Zheng Gu. We hope in the future to transmit the complete TCM system eventually through specializations.
Traditional Chinese Energetics
Zheng Gu
Qi Gong
20 courses during 2 Years (20 months)
1 Course per Month
What is the duration of the Full-Time Program ?The Full-Time Program is 3 years long, starting from september 2020 to June 2021 for the 1st Year
What are the included subjects in the program ?5 Styles of Martial Arts, Traditional Chinese Energetics (TCE), Self-Development classes, Chinese Language ans Theory Classes Link:
What is the schedule of the Full-Time Program ?5 Days a Week (Sunday to Thursday) + 1 Saturday a month. An average of 7 hours of training a day
Do I need previous experience to join the Full-Time Program ?No need however, you need a strong commitement and clear intention to join the program
Why am I required to travel with Meshkah ?Allthough all the classes are on Meshkah premises in Dokki, some travel outside Cairo is required for learning retreats.
Who are the instructors ?Taha Hassouna - Head Teacher Abd-el Reheem Mohamed - Martial Arts Teacher Mayssa Sultan - TCM Teacher Dr.Hazem Taha - PT Teacher Mariam Sameh - Martial Arts Assistant Ahmed Askalani - Martial Arts Assistant
What will tuition cover ?1) Particitpation in the program where you are taught : - 5 Martial Arts styles - TCE, - Self-Development - Chinese Language - Theory Classes 2) Workshops by international teachers 3) Uniforms 4) All Training Material *Tuition does not cover travel and transportation costs for retreats
Will I be certified after completing the program ?Every graduate will recieve a Certificate of completion of the Meshkah Full-Time program and a TCE practitionner Certificate (does not qualify you to use puncturing) Those who specialised in teaching during the 3 year will recieve an aditonal Teaching Certificate which allows them to start teaching at Meshkah the style they have specialised in.
How can I apply ?Here is the Link for the Application :
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