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Call for MESHKAH 2nd full-time school

May 2019

The 2nd full time school will launch this fall. The school will aim to develop martial artists focusing on complementary styles of martial arts in addition to self development modules and various life skills. For more information


Open classes resume


2018 season will start on the 16th of September, pre-registration is now required for all classes. Book your place from our website.

Launch of MESHKAH full-time school

1 June 2018

The full time school will launch this fall. The school will aim to develop martial artists focusing on complementary styles of martial arts in addition to self development modules and various life skills. For more information


Introduction of MESHKAH school

14 October 2017

If you feel you want to train at Meshkah, come to listen and ask questions  on the 14/10/2017 from 10:00 Am to 12:15 Pm


MESHKAH re-opening

1 october 2017

Finally ! Meshkah reopened the gates today !

Annual update at the YMAA retreat center with Dr.Yang

20 August 2017

End of the 4 weeks training with Dr. Yang at the YMAA retreat center ... So much to learn ! 

Training Combate Eskrima Maranga

08 June 2017

So happy to be in the philippines again! It's always great since each time I meet with Maestro Drigo, his son Rico, and my Wingtsun Sifu Julian Jünneman. It is such an amazing trip everytime, just pure intensive martial art for the whole time. 

Muay Chaiya with Kru Nathan Brown

28th November 2015

Honored to welcome Kru Nathan Brown here in Meshkah! thanks for everything!

Combate Eskima Maranga with Sifu Julian

21 November 2015

Mind blowing and fascinating Eskrima seminar ! See you next Year!

Wingtsun Seminar With Sifu Julian

21 November 2015

It was a pleasure to welcome Sifu Julian and Si-jie Zou to host this Seminar !

Meshkah's 2015-2016 Season

02 September 2015

Meshkah's new season is starting on the 7th of september. Check out the new classes available such as Taiji Quan Yang Style basics, and Therapies such as Qi Nei Zang Massages and Homeopathy. Check the details on the different sections of the website.

Make sure to send us an E-mail, or Call us to  register to classes or book a therapy session. 

With Dr.Yang Jwing Ming again !

07 august 2015

This summer again, training and updates at the YMAA retreat center in California, it's such a blessing to bring Dr.Yang's precious knowledge here in Meshkah. It's our turn now to practice very hard, till the next update ...

Self-Descovery Seminar

28 April 2015

It was great to receive Fabrice Payen, Ahmed Louihrani and the whole Meshkah France team for a Martial arts and self-development seminar. 

Thank you Yongqiao!

01 July 2015

It was great to have Jeremy Ronquillo (Yong QIao) who visited Meshkah and blessed us with his Shaolin practice. See you soon Jay !

Vinyasa Yoga classes starting at Meshkah with Seba Khanna

30 November, 2014

Starting from Wednesday 3rd December, Seba Khanna will be giving Yoga classes at Meshkah. 

Seba teaches a Vinyasa style. No two classes are the same, each day brings its own themes and styles, but they are always flexible and fluid. She encourages a laid-back environment where there are no rules to follow other than to honor our bodies and to accept what the day brings. With asana (postures), pranayama (breath work) and savasana (final meditation) in every class, we have all the tools we could ever need.

Mondat : 9:00 Am

Tuesday :  6:30 Pm
Wednesday : 9:00 Am

Make sure you suscribe to the class by calling us or by sending an E-Mail.

Hip-Hop classes with Angie starting in December!

30 November, 2014

Starting from Sunday 7th December, Angie will be giving Hip-hop classes at Meshkah. 


Call +201097448881 for registration and more informations


On Sundays and Mondays : 


From 4:00 to 5:00 PM : kids

From 5:00 to 6:00 PM : Teenagers 

From 6:00 to 7:00 : Adults 


Only under registration.

Season 2014-2015 Starting

October 22, 2014

After an amazing month of seminars, the season 2014 - 2015 is finally starting! Looking forward to restart this new journey.

First Time to meet Dr.Yang Jwing Ming !

09 august 2014

 First meeting  Dr.Yang, known for his knowledge and deep understanding of traditional martial arts. If you love real traditional martial arts and have the opportunity to visit them during the summer seminars in the YMAA retreat centre in California, go for it ! It is a real living treasure !

Wudang Martial Arts seminar, done!

October 10, 2014

Amazing seminar with Eric Wright, check out the photo of the attendees!

Wing Tsun / Maranga combate Eskrima with Sifu Julian Jünemann

October 01, 2014

Meshkah is honored to Finally receive Sifu Julian Junemann  on october 18th for Wingtsun seminar and an introduction to Maranga combate Esrkima.

10 Year Reunion!

October 04, 2014

It has been 10 years I have met my Xiong Di's (Gong fu brothers) in China, yet here we are now reunited in Egypt !  This is such a positive blast to Meshkah !

Wudang Tai-ji/Qi gong Seminar with Eric Wright

October 01, 2014

Here We go for the Wudang Tai-ji Qi gong seminar with Eric Wright on the 10th of October make sure to be one of us. Program: 

- Theory: Taiji Quan, Qi gong, Pushhands

- Basics : Stances, Drills, Breathing 

- Application: Pushhands/centering, Tai ji 28 Form, Short qi gong form


See you soon !

MESHKAH's New Teaser

September 5, 2012

Check out Meshkah's teaser on the video page in the Gallery section, or watch it on youtube :

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